Tuesday, July 27, 2010

pardon me, I'm busy swooning

image via The Sartorialist

I love simple outfits that mix comfort with class. I'm obsessing over this fashionista's easy combination of a loose t-shirt (borrowed from the adorable boyfriend, perhaps?), flouncy feminine skirt, and sky-high platforms.  Look for me on the streets of NYC tomorrow - I'll be the one desperately trying to recreate this look.

Monday, July 26, 2010

wedding bells on the water

Call me a romantic, but I love attending weddings. I especially adore when couples manage to take a traditional wedding theme and add personal twists to fit their personalities (we all remember the viral Chris Brown aisle dance).  I spent my Sunday afternoon at a Yacht Club in Long Island, where the bride and groom opted for a rapid ceremony (under 5 minutes - I'm not exaggerating!) and extended reception.  This allowed more time for mingling, which was time well spent - I had plenty of time to sample all of the hors d'oeuvres, and the groom's aunt taught me arabic phrases!

 Aqua dress, J. Crew belt, Coach sandals, Michael Kors clutch, Tiffany & Co bracelet, wrap from NYC street fair

Thursday, July 22, 2010

feelin' hot, hot, hot!

Fun fact: it has been over 90 degrees in New York for the past six days, and there's no end in sight.  My motivation to do anything productive has evaporated with the heat (case in point: I have not been to a grocery store in over a week and am officially surviving on apple sauce, wasabi peas, and frozen waffles.) Perhaps it's the lack of nutrition talking, but I would give anything to grow some gills and spend a few days completely submerged in a cool, refreshing lake.  Fortunately, I'm not delirious enough to be considering the Hudson an option.

Attractive, right? This is how I looked after wiping out on water skis while vacationing on a lake in the Poconos.  Note to self: neon lifevests are never, ever cute.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

welcome to the future.

While I do love a deal, I've never been a huge fan of Forever 21.  The crowds intimidate me, the haphazard racks frustrate me, and I never seem to find anything that fits quite right.  However, the brand has gained my respect with their new Times Square augmented reality billboard.  Quite frankly, any brand that can stand out among the ubiquitous flashing lights and gigantic billboards of Times Square and hold the attention of passerbys for more than three seconds deserves recognition. Forever 21 has capitalized on the growing shift from print to digital media by employing the technology of high-tech surveillance cameras to integrate live video feed with a superimposed Forever 21 model.  Madison Avenue, pay attention...this is the future of advertising.

Monday, July 19, 2010

braving the heat

Mondays are never pleasant, but they are even harder to face after a fabulous weekend.  With temperatures nearing 100 degrees on both Saturday and Sunday, I was quite content staying in my air conditioned apartment and having a movie marathon in the comfort of my own bed. My roommate, on the other hand, saw that the sun was shining and insisted that we venture out to make the most of the day. After some debate (and witnessing him jump up and down in excitement at the prospect of eating dessert for lunch), we decided to head down to the West Village for frozen yogurt.  Of course, we had to make some pit stops along the way...

 Alcohol-free sangria from City Bakery. I stay hydrated in style.

We stumbled upon a street fair in Chelsea, where we sampled baked goods from Yianni Cafe. Sampling tends to be a dangerous game given my lack of self control. Needless to say, we walked away with a purchase.

The winding streets of the West Village defeated us. Seriously- how do people ever learn to navigate this neighborhood?

We did eventually find our way to the much anticipated fro-yo parlor, where we reveled in the air conditioning and caught up with old friends. Mission accomplished.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

welcome to dwelling on decadence!

Let's get introductions out of the way.
I am a twenty one year old college student who has an affinity for fashion and food (read: eating, not cooking). I'm also involved in a passionate and unfaltering one-sided love affair.
Overshare? Maybe, if my counterpart didn't happen to be New York City.  I have lived here for the past three years and still marvel at the wonders around each and every corner.

This blog was inspired by my dearest friends and family (hi mom!), who suggested that I turn my thoughts and observations about design, fashion, food, and life in NYC into writing.  So...here it goes!